Interested in joining our service team?
Fill out the form below to apply for a position.

Employment Opportunities

Working for PLLC Software Solutons is an incredible opportunity- we have a great team, strong leadership, and an organization that is considered the industry standard. With locations in Hyderabad and Rajamahendravaram, we are always in need of stellar applicants like yourself! Our employees are given the opportunity to develop their skill on high profile U.S. projects and grow within our company.

Fill out the form below, and we will be in touch shortly!

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Previous Employment
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PLLC is an “Equal Opportunity Employer” and that nothing in this job application should be construed as an offer or guarantee of employment.

Scottsdale - USA
6220 E Thomas Road, Suite 100
Scottsdale AZ 85251
(480) 503 8258
Hyderabad - India
11-9-140, NH-65, 3rd Floor, Road#3
Lakshmi nagar colony, Kothapet
Hyderabad- 500035
91 8121008049
From Home
11-9-140, NH-65, 3rd Floor, Road#3
Lakshmi nagar colony, Kothapet
Hyderabad- 500035
91 8121008049